Inspiration During the Cold Winter: Hibernate with Nature

Published on 3 February 2025 at 14:03

Dolomiti, IT


The new year only starts in spring, when nature awakes after its long sleep. Winter is for rest, brainstorming, not producing. Winter is that time to grasp and accumulate inspiration, while spring is that period to start putting it into practice. Indeed, right now it is likely to feel inspired, but not have enough energy to start a new project. Do not hurry: instead, be patient, wait for the trees to wake up. If you follow the nature circle, you will notice that a part of yourself will also slowly emerge regenerated from her deep sleep. 


Right now, just focus on feeling: what sensations does winter give me? Look at the cities covered in ice, immersed in snow, darkened by long nights; observe all the bare trees, silent rivers, breathe the sharp air, warm yourself with the heat of the fire… Winter is a time of self-observation, when you can notice all the changes of the previous year and fully embrace who you have become. It is not a time to act, but to reflect. For a writer, this is perfect to write down all the new thoughts and ideas that pass through their head, without necessarily having to make sense of them. We will leave that for next season. 


As soon as some ideas pop up in your mind, write them down: it can be on your phone’s notes, on a piece of paper, anything you have. I suggest creating a folder in your notes with your writing ideas, since nowadays the only thing we always have with us is our phone. However, if you are more of a pen type of writer, always travel with your small paper notebook, so that you do not lose any glimpse of inspiration. As we know, inspiration comes randomly and it goes away as fast as it comes to us, so we must always be ready to catch it and hold it. It is okay to not make sense of it at first, you do not need to already come up with a plot: just leave it there until you feel ready to play with it. This process will make writing so much easier because when you will have those periods of non-inspiration, you can always come back to your winter notes and use them to create something new. 


While nature remains silent, it is the right time to put on a new playlist that will give you the right amount of energy to put down on paper those glimpses of inspiration, which are sheltering from the cold in your home.


- Chiara 


COMMENT in the box down below: What inspires you the most during winter? 

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