Hello dear writers... welcome in the first chapter of Life Around the World as a free spirit!
Lately I have entered in another world and I have been discovering a new reality: China. It is the first time in this wonderful land and in less than a month I have already experienced so many things, learned a lot from different people, gone out for adventures in breathtaking places and time-traveled to an ancient past.
Of course all this does come with its own difficulties and moments of distress. They are part of the journey, as they are just two sides of the same coin. However, difficulties have so much to teach... you just need to transform the problem into an opportunity of growth. I learned that it is normal to panic and feel lost at first, but then you only need to let it go and be patient. You will soon notice that situations will start to change into something better. In my experience, my parents support and my friend's presence helped me to see things from another perspective while making me feel safe.
Once you go through the tough times you will feel stronger and wiser and you will be able to enjoy the sweet and happy moments of life even more.
Some things that helped me calm down: slowly breath in, hold your breath and then breath out. Remember that this is just a temporary phase that will soon pass. Think about the moon and its phases, how they constantly shift to create an eternal harmony and balance. Remember that you are loved, always and wherever you are. Remember that you are guided in every moment. Remember that everything happens for a REASON and for your OWN GOOD. Always.
Enjoy everything in a journey, its ups and downs. They are both going to enrich you and inspire you in so many different ways that you cannot even imagine right now.
There is a phrase in Chinese that represents my spirit: 热爱山海与自由 (I love mountains, seas and freedom). Let yourself be carried away by the wind of life, just like a sailor. The wind may be strong, it may be weak, but either way it will carry you through your journey to your final destination. Trust the wind and be free.
Are you traveling somewhere recently? Feel free to write your own thoughts and experiences in the box below. :)
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