Salo, Finland
I believe that writing is a spiritual practice, because it allows you not only to express your thoughts but also to release the energy stuck in your body. Every time you type, you transfer outside a piece of yourself. The most incredible thing is that through writing, the energy becomes concrete, taking the shape of letters and words on a blank page.
What really fascinates me every time is to see at the end what I actually released and I can guarantee you that it never stops surprising me. As a matter of fact, when I start writing it is like falling into some sort of trance: my hands begin to type what my heart is feeling. Not me, not my brain, but my HEART. It is a healing process, because the majority of times I feel the need of writing without knowing what, and only once I finish I realize that all those words were patiently waiting to come out, to stand in front of me and be faced for the first time. They were waiting in the silent corners of my heart.
We tend to be so busy with our own daily life that usually we do not have time to confront our own thoughts, ideas, doubts and fears, so that they start accumulating inside of us. But it is important to know that we cannot ignore them forever, because they want their voices to be heard. If you resist them, they will express themselves through anxiety attacks, but if you let them peacefully flow through you, they will disappear as soon as they deliver their message. Look at your writing time as reading what your heart needs to tell you, what you need to tell to yourself. As Elizabeth Gilbert says in her book “Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear”: write first and foremost for yourself, and then others will see that.
Another thing that fascinates me as to how much writing can be a spiritual practice is that it allows you to delve deeper into your beliefs by stimulating and questioning them. One time I was writing about a character’s spiritual journey and I found out that that character knew more than me! While at that moment I felt stuck, my character had already gone beyond that. The more I was creating her journey, the more I felt I was having a dialogue with myself: like I was talking to my reflection in the mirror. My character, created by my heart’s deepest thoughts, was being my spiritual teacher. This is the magic of writing: it does not only help others, but also yourself.
Hence, writing embodies both the confrontation with your shadows, the healing process and the consolidation of your own faith. It is such a complete experience. You and I… we were gifted with this incredible healing talent to give out to the world.
Today I read a really inspiring quote from Pablo Picasso, saying “The meaning of life is to find your gift, the purpose of life is to give it away”.
- Chiara
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