Mantova, IT
Have you ever felt bored, that moment where you feel like you do not have or want to do anything but laying down? In Italy, this happens quite often during summer, when the temperature rises up to 40 degrees and it is too hot to go out. When you feel like your energies are low, do not resist it! It is your body trying to communicate with you. As you all know, the body is a sacred temple and you must respect its rhythms. At the same time your mind is running and it feels like it cannot stop, it has to plan, overthink, take action, but no idea satisfies you, nothing feels right. In a society where "laying down and do nothing" is seen as "wasting time", we are constantly pushed to work, be active and produce. However, this can drain you out, because the body needs rest to be strong as well as the mind needs rest to be creative.
Listen to yourself and stop for a moment. You are not waisting your time, your allowing yourself to release all the stress and all the useless and negative thoughts from your body and your mind, so as to let in new ideas. Imagine yourself as a room: if it is full of stuff everywhere, where can you find the ones that you need or how can you make room for the new ones? You must clean the space. Once the space is clean then creativity can knock to your door and you can welcome her inside.
Hence, do not feel guilty when you are bored and you are not doing anything: enjoy the moment, feel grateful, because you are already creating. The best ideas come to you unexpectedly, so do not try to chase after them, because they will find you. Trust them, trust the process, trust the Universe. They are part of you, the same way you are part of the whole. Nothing is separate, everything is connected, everything is ONE. You just have to be prepared, because everything happens at the right time and at the right place.
Moreover, when you are bored, you are more likely to learn something new. When we are busy with our daily routine, we do not have time for learning. But when we do not have to do anything, the possibilities become limitless: just follow what your heart is telling you. Taking a break does not only mean laying down after all. If that is what your body needs, then perfect. But if you are craving a different type of break, a pause from your daily activities, then pick something new, something that excites you, that you have always wanted to do but never found the right time to start. This is the time. You just have to start, and the rest will follow. Creative people often are not made for just one thing, but for multiple. I always feel restrained when somebody asks me: what is your passion? Why it has to be one? I have many, maybe too many, but this is the kind of life I like, because each of them creates who I am, while at the same time colours my days with different shades. Our motto is One Life All Lives. So live one life by experiencing all of them.
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